Hour of the Heart


Facing memory loss at age 93, as well as the fallout from a global pandemic that moved much of daily life online, legendary psychotherapist and bestselling author Irvin Yalom was forced to vastly reconsider the shape of his sessions with patients. But rather than throw in the towel in the face of change, Dr. Yalom considered the limitations imposed by these new realities head on, and revolutionized his practice. Dr. Yalom wondered if perhaps his own practice could focus deeply on the work that could be achieved in a one-hour, one-time meeting between patient and practitioner—employing an even more concerted use of his “here and now” approach. As he began these one-time sessions, the beloved veteran therapist found himself freed to reach ever deeper places with new patients on a shortened timeline, without the buffer of future appointments. Working within new constraints, Dr. Yalom learned to build greater intimacy much faster than in traditional therapy—a gift of circumstance.

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Hour of the Heart